Today in the News
Here's a little gem from the Wall Street Journal, echoed this AM by FoxNews:
CIA Plan Envisioned Hit Teams Killing Al Qaeda Leaders
WASHINGTON -- A secret Central Intelligence Agency initiative axed by Director Leon Panetta examined how to assassinate members of Al Qaeda with hit teams on the ground, according to current and former national-security officials familiar with the matter.
The goal was to assemble teams of CIA and special-operations forces "and put bullets in [the Al Qaeda leaders'] heads," one former intelligence official said.
The plan was never carried out, and Panetta canceled the effort on the day he learned of it, June 23. The next day, he alerted Congress, which didn't know about the plan.
My goodness. The big bad CIA were planning to pop some bad guys. Leon Panetta, horrified by the existence of evil (which for him, I suspect, would be defined as "the United States military, and the paramilitary branches of the three-letter-agencies"), slams the brakes on and then immediately runs like a tearful little boy to Congress to spill the whole upsetting tale. News flash, Mr. Panetta: you are the director of the CIA. That makes you the spymaster for the United States of America. Your job, therfore, is to (a) close your mouth, (b) open your ears, (c) listen and understand, and (d) lead your agency with all the diligence and loyalty you can muster. Right now you are behaving like a third-rate trash journalist, eager to dig up the dirt on Big Bad Bush and prove to the public what a horrible guy he was. Or maybe pile up brownie points with your new boss in the Oval Office. Or maybe I don't care what. Just do your job, or quit and give it to someone who is competent to do it.
And as for those dreadful CIA types --- why, they were behaving like there was a war on, and thousands of innocent Americans had been massacred, or something!
CIA Plan Envisioned Hit Teams Killing Al Qaeda Leaders
WASHINGTON -- A secret Central Intelligence Agency initiative axed by Director Leon Panetta examined how to assassinate members of Al Qaeda with hit teams on the ground, according to current and former national-security officials familiar with the matter.
The goal was to assemble teams of CIA and special-operations forces "and put bullets in [the Al Qaeda leaders'] heads," one former intelligence official said.
The plan was never carried out, and Panetta canceled the effort on the day he learned of it, June 23. The next day, he alerted Congress, which didn't know about the plan.
My goodness. The big bad CIA were planning to pop some bad guys. Leon Panetta, horrified by the existence of evil (which for him, I suspect, would be defined as "the United States military, and the paramilitary branches of the three-letter-agencies"), slams the brakes on and then immediately runs like a tearful little boy to Congress to spill the whole upsetting tale. News flash, Mr. Panetta: you are the director of the CIA. That makes you the spymaster for the United States of America. Your job, therfore, is to (a) close your mouth, (b) open your ears, (c) listen and understand, and (d) lead your agency with all the diligence and loyalty you can muster. Right now you are behaving like a third-rate trash journalist, eager to dig up the dirt on Big Bad Bush and prove to the public what a horrible guy he was. Or maybe pile up brownie points with your new boss in the Oval Office. Or maybe I don't care what. Just do your job, or quit and give it to someone who is competent to do it.
And as for those dreadful CIA types --- why, they were behaving like there was a war on, and thousands of innocent Americans had been massacred, or something!
No, wait, that is what happened ...