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Saturday, April 15, 2006

Scientific Study of Prayer

From Does Prayer Work?, Breakpoint commentary of 13 April 2006 (click here to read the original article):

The headlines seemed almost triumphal in tone.
“Prayer Doesn’t Aid Recovery, Study Finds.” That was the Washington Post. “Long-Awaited Medical Study Questions the Power of Prayer.” That was the New York Times.
Both papers were describing a study designed to determine the power of prayer. Not only did it show that prayer apparently makes no difference, but some prayed-for patients in the study actually fared worse than the unprayed-for ones.

Puh-LEEEZE. This entire 'study' misses the point by about a thousand miles. Prayer is not some mystical energy called into action by a certain set of words, postures or attitudes. It is communication with a living, conscious Being --- the God described in the Bible --- that has the ability to intervene in human affairs, whom the Bible also says does not perform tricks on demand to prove that He exists. (Nor were we told what motives were suggested to the praying participants regarding their praying for the health of their assigned group and not for the other patients.)

Put it this way. It's Friday night around 9:15. Both our kids are asleep, and my wife and I are going to make a bowl of popcorn and watch a movie. She's going down to the basement fridge to get herself a Coke. I say Honey, would you please get me one while you're down there? and she will. Now, suppose I gather 45 guys with white coats and clipboards, line them all up to observe and say Ahem! Observe, ladies and gentlemen, my wife responds to verbal requests! Cheryl Would You Please Get Me a Coke From The Basement!

What do you think she'd do? what would you do? ... So what do you think God should do if people treat Him that way?


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7:42 p.m.  

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